netrw packages (GNU GPL license)

GIT repository with sources for netrw can be found at:

Gentoo Linux ebuild net-misc/netrw: netrw-ebuild.tar.bz2 2010-03-09 (4KiB, SHA512, sig)

testing platforms

In the following table you can find a list of platforms used for testing portability of the last release of this package. Platforms which are no longer used for testing are marked as such in "Notes" column of the table.

OSVersionCPU familyCompilerNotes
LinuxGentoo x86i686icc 7.1
LinuxGentoo x86i686gcc 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)
LinuxSuSE 10.0amd64gcc 4.0.2
LinuxDebian 3.1i686gcc 3.3.2
IRIX6.5mipsMIPSpro Compilers 7.30
Solaris8sparcForte Developer 7 C 5.4
FreeBSD6.1-RC2i686gcc 3.4.4 [FreeBSD]
MacOS X10.?powerpcgcc 4.0 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 4061)
WindowsXPi686gcc 3.4.4
LinuxFedora Core 4i686gcc 4.0.2 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)old versions only
LinuxLFS 3.3i686gcc 2.95.3old versions only
OSF11.1alphaold versions only
OpenBSD3.0i586old versions only

netrw release history